About me
*16.11.1958, České Budějovice
I devote to painting, drawing and making objects from wood and ceramics. For choosing the motives, I usually return back to my native place in South Bohemia or to the memories of other interesting places or meetings with nice people. My landscapes are some kind of statement about my inside feelings, about sadness and mainly about pleasure and joy. For still-lives, I usually use motives of flowers, which I bring from walks. Also here I trie to express feelings of good mood and time of relaxation. By using figures I demonstrate my human attitude to life in various situations in the nature and in family, too.
I love people, who are nice inside. I love nice colors, especially all shades of yellow. I am an eternal optimist and get the inspiration in the nature, melodies and being in touch with generous, nice and kind people. I like relationships between people and I feel the necessity and urgency of building them.
My work - painting - enriche me the most of all. My final wish is to gibe a pleasure from beauty and joy to the others but first of all to hand over my own feelings and everything positive that I give into my pictures.